Listings profile
The listings profile indicates the user's behavior around listings.
How to interpret this?
The profile page has two sections:
- As a buyer that indicates how is this user acting on the bras she's getting.
- As a seller that indicates the selling/offering activity of this user.
As a buyer
Counts section
This section will indicate the number of bras she has received via listings. That is, that she has accepted the transfers.
The Incoming bras count indicates how many bras she has on her way, that she has not received and accepted the transfer for yet.
Graph "How she's adding her bras"
This tallies the completeness percentage of the bras she has received.
As you know, as you add your bras to the site, the percentage bar of it increases up to 100%.
This chart starts on 30% because all accepted listings will have at least 30%. An ideal case would be a user that has added lots of information to the bras she received, honoring the buyer's agreement. So you'll want to see as many pink on the right as possible.
Horizontal bad "What she's getting"
This bar shows a distribution of the types of listings she's getting. Will give you an idea of how much she's getting for free how many exchanges she's done on the past.
You can use this to spot a free bra hoarder, that is after all give aways on the site just because free bras. This huts the site's listings as it opaques opportunity for other users.
Table "Sizes she's getting"
This will highlight the sizes of the bras she's been getting. Here you can see what size range is this user exploring on.
You want to avoid a too spread out table here because it means that she's getting listings from all over the place for different reasons that go beyond learning what works best for her.
As a seller
This section shows the activity of the user regarding the listings she's offered on the site.
Counts section
Will show how many of her bras have been accepted by other users, and how many of them she's sent but have not made it to the other side yet.
Graph "How buyers are adding their bras"
This shows how diligent the buyers of her bras have been about adding back their bras to the site.
This is not a chart that is entirely on your control, but in the long run it can show that the user in one way or the other is giving her bras to other users that are being good about adding data back. May be because she is reminding them to do it, or being selective on who to sell.
Horinzontal "What she's offering"
It shows the distribution of the listings she's offering, this is most useful seen with the same graph on the buyer side. It is to show how is a bra acting in return of the bras she's getting from the site.
Table "No table?"
There is no table showing the distribution of sizes offered, since it has little importance when looking at a users' behavior on the listings section of the site. She can be offering any bra she can get and that's always good