Curved breastbone
Apart from having a round rib cage where your sides are almost as wide as your front profile and your ribcage curves horizontally there is this other way of bones affecting bra fitting;
If your ribcage curves vertically.
If your ribcage curves vertically you will give the illusion of having larger boobs than you actually have.
First we look at some users without this shape:
Vee and alisa in Alexa 28J. You can see it here: http://www.bratabase.com/browse/cleo/alexa-6631/28J/pictures/ From the shoulders their ribcages goes pretty much straight down until the boobs starts and then the boobs projects.
But now look at me http://sphotos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/58706_10151229722745540_1290406109_n.jpg Even if boobs not really is in the picture my ribcage still projects. I have a couple of centimeters projection for free.
And here with the @34H S Fresh http://sphotos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/531568_10151502207295540_471013976_n.jpg It's kind of impossible to tell where my boobs even starts.
But really it is bones that projects above the glandular tissue.
Now let's compare Georgina Horne and Curvy Wordy: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-ywMt0tPbRAw/UT_AiLzXaXI/AAAAAAAAD1c/dNawYZNJzZY/s1600/EvansShapeStudioScarlettJo01.jpg
Down to Curvys boobs there's a pretty straight line where's Georgina is curved all the way. This makes her boobs look larger than Curvys. It's because of the bones on top of Georginas boobs. Projection for free. Lift her boobs higher and she would get torpedo boobs. (Oh and I have looked at a large portion of pics of the two and it's not just because of a bra or because of posture)
Large boobs can give the illusion of a vertically curved ribcage. A vertically curved ribcage can give the illusion of larger boobs, especially under clothing.
So here's how you know;
Stand in profile without a bra with a straight posture. Look at if the ribcage before the boobs starts is vertical or more curved.
You can bet that with this ribcage when the gore tacks, it attacks.
I'm starting to think that the only way to get an accurate measurement of one's 3-dimensional body is to be cast in plaster.
drownedsalad :D Sort of.
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