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Convertable bra has too much cup » All bra adventures


Convertable bra has too much cup

So I bought this convertable bra, which is a sister size to my true size, with the intentions of using it as a strapless bra because I didn't have one. My boobs don't fully fill the top of the cups but that doesn't bother me, what bothers me is that there is sooo much cup there. I can't wear it with a strapless sweetheart dress or anything because the bra comes up higher then the neckline of the dress. I got it on clearance, I haven't worn it out ever, and I've had the thing for months. I really want to cut and sew the cups smaller, just take like an inch or so right off the top of it. Has anyone ever done this before? How did it turn out? I figure that I already never wear the bra as it is, so why not try to make it so I might wear it? Thoughts?

Filed under Bra alterations

Shared on Jan 09, 2016 Flag this


  • I know I've read a blog post somewhere in which someone cut down her strapless bra so it wouldn't show above the neck of her wedding dress... I apparently didn't save it to my Pinterest like I thought I did, otherwise I'd give you the link. :( I have this problem too though, I think ALL strapless bras come up WAY too high! Especially being FOT, every single strapless has empty space in the apex and yet cuts into the top of my breast tissue. Why can't some strapless bras be a bit more open on top?! :P But I know it's possible! Try to do a google search?

  • @Slava-Zone
    thanks I will :) glad I'm not the only one with these difficulties! Haha!
    What does FOT mean?

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