Jan 14, 2016
I received my 30E - Anna Pardal For Comexim » Sabine from sprightlyvim and it fits almost perfectly! (Only almost because I'm pretty sure I'm so excited that I'm ignoring minute issues, lol) Of course I can't order any new ones from AP, but I'm definitely going to be all over the Comexim site now! Woot woot!
Filed under Bras ups and downs
Actually, you can. I emailed Joanna to ask her what size I should get in Comexim if I wear a 30GG in Anna Pardal. She replied that I should place orders via email and ask exactly for Anna Pardal 30GG plus whatever customizations I need.
Also, it sounds like Jamie at Bra Obsessed can still place AP orders for you!
Yep, I just placed an order for a Lady Grey HC with Jaimie today.
I highly recommend Bra Obsessed, you get to support another small business and she's not much more expensive than ordering direct.
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