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SM Ja Wiem » All bra adventures


SM Ja Wiem

There's a new SM available today! But no promotion? Looks like a cool-toned version of the Ty Wiesz, there's also a review of it on An Enhanced Experience already!

Filed under Bra news

Shared on Apr 10, 2016 Flag this


  • Yeah, I was going to get it but with no promotion I'm just going to wait and see if she releases anything else I like to make it worth the shipping.
    Also, it's pinker than I thought it was when I saw it on Fuller Figure Fuller Bust's Instagram, and I'm "meh" about pink.
    Hooray for more SMs though!

  • Thinking I'm going to wait too. I'm patiently awaiting the release of the S Magique! Wondering if this one is really pink in person, or if it would be more along the lines of the SM Nana, that sort-of-beige/grey/pink color that's actually really beautiful.

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