My bra fitting is seriously weird
My bra fitting is seriously extremely weird with wires tapering all over my front back to my collarbones all the way up to my armpits and high in the middle. It's seriously so super duper weird!
It's what works the best, it really is. Great comfort, great shape! But still it's super duper seriously extremely, absurdly weird!
Filed under Bra sizing and fit found something that FITS??? Yea!
@RG I think I rather would say that I realised what I already had and simply concluded it was the best choice. Rather it was about accepting my own right to my own body and my own bra fitting and go for it.
I still do want more alternatives though. I will look into Fantasie, Elomi and I also think I will try Sculptresse.
What made my bras work was tightening the straps to the max. And stop bothering about wrinkling :)