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Jun 24, 2016 » All bra adventures


Jun 24, 2016

I've been curious how intensive calisthenics exercises affects my body, expected that muscles can be swollen a little bit. So I took a tape measure and measured my body attentively before and after today's workout. The results amazed me - the body part that changed the most was my breast! It was noticeably firmer (difference between their circumference in standing and bend position changed from 6 cm to 3 cm (2,36" to 1,18")) and the nipples were about 2 cm (~ 1") higher!

Now I wonder if this is caused by the bra I used today, or something in my workout... I have some conjectures - have to find it out!

Other changes in my body measurements, if you're curious:
My arms' circumference was bigger too, about 1 cm (0,39"), but it was predictable. Ribcage above the breast was quite bigger (7,5 cm / 2,95") after 30 minutes, right after workout the result has been like before workout. But the boobs themselves in the widest part were the same all the time. The under-boost part increased from 70 cm to 74 (1,57") - tight measurement only. Lose and at an inhale were the same. My frame become 1 cm bigger and waist - 2 cm smaller. And that's all.

Ribcage - breathing. Obvious. But I must find how much of changes in my boobs is caused by working pectoral muscles, how much by hormones and other body reactions to the state of effort and how much by this bra (half-homemade)! Now I'm truly curious!

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Jun 24, 2016 Flag this


  • I'm curious, too! Amazing!

  • Wow, that's very interesting! What kind of exercises did you do? I wonder if a different workout has a different effect, like if you do all the other exercises except for the ones for the pectoral muscles, or vice versa.

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