When adding new bras to Bratabase
If you are adding a website link (please do!) it needs to be the brand's official specific page for that bra
This is so we can quickly find the pictures and add its size range and get things running smoothly
Eg. Freya Deco Moulded Bra
Right link: http://www.freyalingerie.com/lingerie/essentials/deco/moulded_plunge_bra.aspx?colour=black
Examples of wrong links:
http://www.freyalingerie.com/ (not specific to the bra)
http://www.brastop.com/search?q=freya+deco+bra&orderby=15&specs=bras&gclid=CjwKEAjwqdi7BRCL6Zmjk5-rsTwSJABmrVabeSHkXW6pLSNRzCoB9VigckN70pMRODTdJPcXyBhyOhoCkuTw_wcB (not official)
Some brands (eg Lupoline) may not have linkable models on their website but have an offical exclusive partner who sells their bras. This is good enough too (or at least until we find a better one!)
Filed under Bratabase
Where do you put the link? I added a new model recently and didn't notice a place to link it. Might have just missed it though
If you go to a brand's page and scroll down to the bottom you will see:
Add models
(Below "help tagging models, Report duplicate, Suggest changes")
^ This is where you can add models. In fact it's a better way to do it as you can provide more info
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