Running out of band ...
Ugh. I'm 7 months pregnant and quite happily revisiting my good, old Chantelle Rive Gauche T-shirt bras. I'm actually seriously wondering why on earth I ever tried anything else after I found these, ages ago: they are ridiculously comfortable, look great, and despite some obvious fitting issues still better for my shape than pretty much any other bra I have tried over the past 4 years or so. But now I'm in a pickle: pregnancy has unfortunately expanded my ribcage to the point where one full extender will soon no longer be enough. The 65DD cups are still fine, but I'm seriously running out of band. Can't add a second extender, because (1) due to hypersensitivity issues I find one extender uncomfortable enough already, and (2) adding another extender will put the straps so far apart in the back that even my wide shoulders won't be wide enough. So, what to do? My funds are very limited and even on discount these are not cheap bras. Is it worth getting one (or two, for daily rotation) for the last couple of months, knowing that my cup size will still increase too? Might I still fit them afterwards, without the extender obviously and possibly on the tightest hooks? Questions, questions! I simply refuse to switch to my comfortable, but entirely uninspiring nursing bras already now as I will have plenty of that coming up in the very foreseeable future ... I don't expect any answers -- this purely is my own, personal, little dilemma -- but what would you do?!
Filed under Bras ups and downs
Its impossible to predict what your body will do - its not your first baby, right?? I dont think my ribcage ever went back to the original size, but my boobs didnt either. also, milk comes in faster w subsequent babies so you dont have to wait so long to figure out what you'll be looking like. well, you know, until they drop a few feedings.
yeah, chaos. Maybe get some cheap, too-big sports bras from walmart?
First world problems :)
This is my third child. Oddly enough, I never noticed much ribcage expansion with the previous two, but that may have been due to the fact that the bras I was wearing then had much much stretchier bands. I'd wear the bras from my second pregnancy again, but my shape has changed so much that they just don't work for me at all and apart from ill-fitting are also dreadfully uncomfortable :( Anyway, both times I returned to my pre-pregnancy measurements -- except for my breasts, which after the first have remained about three cupsizes up -- very fast.
I have plenty of Emma-Jane Next Generation nursing bras, I can wear right now, but I just really don't want to. They're so plain, come up so high, and generally make me feel like a nun. I can live with that in winter when clothing comes up even higher anyway, but not now at the height of summer. The shape they give isn't even entirely horrible, but I want to *feel* at least somewhat sexy and a lacy cup edge or pretty bra strap peeking out, however subtly, does help. For some reason, I really need that sort of pick-me-up right now ...
The fact that Figleaves is having them on offer at the moment and with the pound this low, you know, against my better judgment, but so very very tempting ;)
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