Strapless bra recommendations for FoB?
I am standing up in my sister's wedding in a couple months, and I have to wear a strapless gown. Problem is, I have yet to find a good strapless bra that actually fits, stays up reliably, and doesn't gap like crazy on top.
I am full on bottom/outsides, far-apart-spaced, broad-rooted (although I think they -may- be getting narrower since I started wearing properly-sized bras), and shallow on top/center. Also conical and splayed, if it matters. I measure 26DD (28D would work), so that makes things extra difficult. What would you recommend?
I had high hopes for the Neve Plunge strapless, but it gapped like crazy and the gore stabbed me so badly I couldn't even keep it on long enough to take reference photos. Padded might be a plus for this particular dress/occasion too, but that isn't a requirement. I'm considering trying TLBC's Sascha in 30C (I hear it runs pretty small in band and cup) and just letting the quadding happen (it's better than gapping) but I'm afraid it might be too shallow to fit and stay put. Has anyone here who is near my size/shape tried it? I'd love to hear your experiences with that bra in particular, if you are full on bottom.
Any advice/recommendations would be very much appreciated!
Filed under Bras ups and downs
I've heard that Curvy Kate Luxe is somewhat closed on top, so that could be a good option. I've been meaning to try it myself but haven't gotten around to it.
Panache Evie ?
Seems very closed on top 🙂
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