How do you look without a bra on?
I wonder how you all look without a bra. In clothes that is. Add a description to your pic as well.
http://sphotos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/184356_10151452563040540_629807540_n.jpg Here's me in profile. Only a part of my boobs projects and the rest are disguised around my chest or migrated the h-ll away. My boobs are quite soft with low nipples. http://sphotos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/155199_10151452563030540_997482805_n.jpg From the front.
Filed under Boob and body issues
I don't think your boobs are that low... mine are much lower. Also, you've described yourself as fat before, but I don't think you are. Be positive! You are beautiful :)
I just wanted to make a quick comment to EllenMcisaac. Fat is a word that can be neutral or negative depending on how you take it. A large woman can call herself fat and find no trouble with it as it's a body 'type' or what have you. Fat doesnt' define us.
Wasn't there an adventure about this not long ago?
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