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I may never buy another bra that isn't an EM S. or SM » All bra adventures


I may never buy another bra that isn't an EM S. or SM

I thought the S. Fresh was a perfect fit, but the SM Bezyk is even better. The cups may as well have been molded around my boobs.

The band, fortunately, is much closer to the perfect length of the S. Fresh than to the too loose CH Onyx or the miles-too-tight HM Gold. It closes on the loosest hook, but is slightly tight, so I'll start out with an extender.

Thank goodness I'm within the standard order size range for most of the S/SM styles- I could have dealt with the extra 20 Zloty for custom, but I am NOT willing to deal with Dominik! I feel so bad for those of you who must custom order...

One more note on the SM Beżyk - the colour is not the cream colour that it seems to be on the website photos, but rather beige.

I'll review properly once I've worn it for more than the few minutes that I spent admiring my chest area in the bathroom mirror.

Filed under Bra sizing and fit

Shared on May 05, 2013 Flag this


  • The Sm bra really is amazing. I have the Sm Trefl, and it may be my favorite bra of all time.

    I'm actually glad to hear it's more of a beige color rather than cream. I think the beige would be less likely to show under light colored shirts (let us know what you think.)

  • I just received my SM Bezyk a couple of days ago and I'm a little disappointed. It could very well be I ordered the wrong size, but the cups did not feel very supportive. I think the underside could use another layer of something. I just posted my review and pictures and am thinking of listing this one. :(

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