"My boobs look like this and these are my fit issues"
Just a tip for those of you trouble-shooting here on the adventure section; take a nude shot of yourself, put it in your computer, enter http://sumopaint.com/app/ in the url link, add a second transparent layer and outline yourself! Then post it somewhere and put the link here. You don't have to use Sumopaint but I recommend it due to the simple and easy-understandable nature of it
Many times when I read about your struggles and I read your descriptions, I kinda get a picture in my head but I'm sure I'm wrong sometimes and the way you describe it is not how I picture it in my head. Just to start off this whole thing (if it ever becomes a "thing", lol, I'm hoping it catches on), here's an outline of myself that clearly depicts my MBT near the armpit area and this outline also shows very clearly how little space I have between my shoulders and my neck, very easy to understand why I'm having troubles with wide-set straps I hope I'll see some interesting outlines from you guys!
Bratabase - Imgur
Filed under Boob and body issues
The problem I have with this is that the shape of my naked boob in no way resembles the shape of my boobs in a bra. I don't think that using your naked boobs to determine shape is helpful unless you have firm breasts that are fairly small.
@valtron, I think this is for the girls who are having problems fitting in certain types of bras. I currently can't find the right style of bra for me and was considering resorting to real pics to help get it sorted out. I would guess that a combination of bra pics and the boob shape outline could help.
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