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Lack of interaction? » All bra adventures


Lack of interaction?

Hi guys
Today I would like to get some feedback on my blog - you know I try to translate all my reviews so that you gals can enjoy them and get some info. What hurts me a little is that I get no feedback; there is a lot of traffic from Bratabase, which is cool and thank you all so much, but you never comment on my posts (even though I enabled Disqus to allow everybody to comment without having a Blogger account).
This might feel and sound like a bratty, entitled kid whining, but this directly affects what I can do for you review-wise; brands are really more likely to provide products and coupon codes for you when they see interaction from readers from a variety of countries, and it is kind of hard to prove your interest with what I write without shares or comments.
I would be grateful for any voices of advice or critique from you about what can I do to make you happier to comment.

Filed under Bra news

Shared on Jun 23, 2017 Flag this


  • Ya I find blogs don't get too many comments unless someone reallllly wants to comment or there are thousands of readers. And by thousands I mean in the 10s of thousands. Lots read for the info and move along.

  • I second what FFF said... generally people don't comment unless they have something specific to add to the conversation.

    "I would be grateful for any voices of advice or critique from you about what can I do to make you happier to comment."

    This is an explanation not a critique, but I am personally less likely to read your blog because the bras you've been reviewing aren't the ones I am considering buying. We have different builds, and I tend to look for reviews by people who share my fit concerns when possible. I do wish you luck!

    If there were a discussion of some issue I'd be more likely to participate; looking back at your blog I found a conversation that happened around an Australian 50 Shades lingerie collection... had I seen it at the time, I would certainly have commented.

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