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Roots » All bra adventures



So I've never had a bra that made it so obvious before (and I guess I should be grateful to the wrong-size 30FF - Freya ยป Fancies Longline Bra (1014) I just got), but I've always assumed my crazy Nike swoosh was my side root. The line in the photo where the fabric buckles isn't quite along my curve - mine is a bit steeper and runs into the bottom of the cup a hair sooner - but it's pretty close! There is basically no change in fullness or any vertical dip between where most people's roots might be and my swoosh. The doorbell test (raise your arm, ring the doorbell) doesn't really move any tissue very far because it's already so spread out across my ribcage, so that doesn't give me any other indicators. I also know that lotsa-armpit-breast-tissue runs in my family, because my grandmother had a mastectomy and her torso completely changed shape because of it. Since it doesn't matter functionally, and I still need wires that can accommodate it, I guess I'm just looking for confirmation for curiosity's sake: Is it my root, or do I have a really fat/pronounced tail of spence, or what?

Filed under Boob and body issues

Shared on Jul 13, 2017 Flag this


  • This looks so similar to the breast tissue under my arm. Although, your roots are more steeply curved than mine. When I tried to ignore it, whoa did it protest.

    Where or where are the swoosh wires?? ;-)

  • Not sure what your situation is, but according to my nurse practitioner, I have a lot of glands all through that same area where your Nike swoosh is. I was so nervous that they were swollen lymph nodes, but she said, "No, those are ordinary breast glands and ducts." But your photo is very clear. Have you had a breast exam with your physician or nurse practitioner? They might be able to give you an informed answer.

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