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Continuing the tall breast discussion » All bra adventures


Continuing the tall breast discussion

This follows from the discussion on between me and prettyNpetite but others are quite welcome to join!

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on May 20, 2013 Flag this


  • I don't think your breasts are taller than mine, prettyNpetite so much as higher set. I was looking at the picture you posted with the outline traced at and I just did one of mine (although I'm not sure where to upload it; I'm feeling kind of lazy about creating an account just for that) and the bottom of my breasts is pretty much even with my elbows. They just go up to the collarbone from there. Total height is probably about 18 cm, with about 6 of that being more or less flat. I should link this to the last discussion of this that I was having with Branarchist if only I could find it (computer is making it hard to search right now).

  • You definitely should link it to Branarchist! If you can't find it though, she'll see it here :) Yeah maybe you're right in the fact that mine aren't taller than yours, just simply higher set!

    Oh won't you please make an imgur account? You got me so curious! It'll be done so quickly and it's like the best online image sharer because if you set it to private or hidden (don't remember which) only those with the link can see it! :) That way, no creepers will see it.

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