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Bands and wires and straps, oh my » All bra adventures


Bands and wires and straps, oh my

Just general bra frustrations here. (32JJ-ish)

Bands. Everyone always said your band should be tight enough to be on the tightest hook, so you have somewhere to go when your band stretches out. I have NEVER had a band stretch out at all past like the 3 week mark. Like i break it in, and then thats it forever and ever. I know thats partly because I buy the 'good' quality bras, but its slightly frustrating as I'm still gaining weight and my bands keep getting tighter instead of looser.

Wires. I honestly still dont have any bras where the wires fit exactly in my IMF. I've given up. I dont think it exists. I try to alternate between Panache and EM bras, so I have different wire pains different days, and the impacted spots get to heal in between. Except I really only have 3 fitting panache and about 6 Ewa, so thats not quite working out.

Straps. One of my panache is a Floris, 32JJ. I'm wearing it today. the strap on my smaller side has been falling down all day. this is why I cant motivate to buy another. Well, plus its getting harder and harder to find any 32JJs listed on Amazon.

Oh my. I'm still gaining. I'm starting to think I need to start wearing 34JJ (or 34K for Ewa padded). At that size, its easier to find Elomis I can wear . . . except Elomis are really wide, arent they? Even my Floris is poking my underarm on the smaller side because the wires are too wide.

I dont think its going to get any better for me. Esp because not only am I at the upper end of size ranges, I'm also 'omega' so I have a lot of fullness all around . . . have to wear bras that have immediate projection AND room for upper fullness AND room for inner fullness.

Yeah, feeling generally frustrated.

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Oct 24, 2017 Flag this


  • :( Sorry :(
    My bands don't seem to stretch out either. I figure it's because I wear once & wash, so no oils can build up on the elastic & break it down. With over 7 bras in your current rotation I assume you do the same.?
    Would it be possible for you to try Comexim? I know I read on a review recently that someone ordered a bra with a different size wire (so like a 60R with 60P wires or something like that) and that might help you with the IMF wire issue. Plus since Comexim wires are softer than EM & Panache, the wire "break" would help your healing & hopefully lessen your pain. I think the wire switchout was @kermitdafrog21?? Maybe she can add some insight on the wire switchout? (Or tell me I'm an idiot who got it wrong. :O )
    I also have overall fullness, so I do feel your pain there as well. :( I found EMs SF to be the best overall fit & comfort.

  • Ugh. I'm ready for 3D printed bras that we can create at home according to our specifications.

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