Bands and wires and straps, oh my
Just general bra frustrations here. (32JJ-ish)
Bands. Everyone always said your band should be tight enough to be on the tightest hook, so you have somewhere to go when your band stretches out. I have NEVER had a band stretch out at all past like the 3 week mark. Like i break it in, and then thats it forever and ever. I know thats partly because I buy the 'good' quality bras, but its slightly frustrating as I'm still gaining weight and my bands keep getting tighter instead of looser.
Wires. I honestly still dont have any bras where the wires fit exactly in my IMF. I've given up. I dont think it exists. I try to alternate between Panache and EM bras, so I have different wire pains different days, and the impacted spots get to heal in between. Except I really only have 3 fitting panache and about 6 Ewa, so thats not quite working out.
Straps. One of my panache is a Floris, 32JJ. I'm wearing it today. the strap on my smaller side has been falling down all day. this is why I cant motivate to buy another. Well, plus its getting harder and harder to find any 32JJs listed on Amazon.
Oh my. I'm still gaining. I'm starting to think I need to start wearing 34JJ (or 34K for Ewa padded). At that size, its easier to find Elomis I can wear . . . except Elomis are really wide, arent they? Even my Floris is poking my underarm on the smaller side because the wires are too wide.
I dont think its going to get any better for me. Esp because not only am I at the upper end of size ranges, I'm also 'omega' so I have a lot of fullness all around . . . have to wear bras that have immediate projection AND room for upper fullness AND room for inner fullness.
Yeah, feeling generally frustrated.
Filed under Bras ups and downs
:( Sorry :(
My bands don't seem to stretch out either. I figure it's because I wear once & wash, so no oils can build up on the elastic & break it down. With over 7 bras in your current rotation I assume you do the same.?
Would it be possible for you to try Comexim? I know I read on a review recently that someone ordered a bra with a different size wire (so like a 60R with 60P wires or something like that) and that might help you with the IMF wire issue. Plus since Comexim wires are softer than EM & Panache, the wire "break" would help your healing & hopefully lessen your pain. I think the wire switchout was @kermitdafrog21?? Maybe she can add some insight on the wire switchout? (Or tell me I'm an idiot who got it wrong. :O )
I also have overall fullness, so I do feel your pain there as well. :( I found EMs SF to be the best overall fit & comfort.
Ugh. I'm ready for 3D printed bras that we can create at home according to our specifications.
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