Do you need (__) shaped wires rather than U shaped ones?
A few people triggered me to finally do this adventure (ping Galactica , lmross, Branarchist) on boob crease shape.
(Boob crease = IMF or inframammary fold, natural boundary of a breast from below, the place where the breast and the chest meet)
I have yet to take a better picture of mine, but for now this will do.
As you see from it, my crease does not curve at the bottom as wires do, it's just a flat line.
And then the root of my boobs slightly curves to my armpit in a round manner.
My root is relatively narrow, it ends infront of my armpits but my crease is definitely more
(__) then U shaped, like all wires are.
For me, this explains several fit issues I have
1. I get empty space at the bottom of the cups even in bras that have enough depth
2. I get empty space at the bottom even in bras that have way too wide wires for me
The only two bras that didn't cause empty space at the bottom for me were Ewas pl Karmelki and Bravissimos Boudoir Beau. However, both this bras had another problem.
At the bottom angle of my boob, where tissue start curving up towards my armpit, the wires sat on my breast tissue.
gore (__) armpit <- bottom right angle!
To sum it up, even though most wires are too wide for me at the top:
I either get empty space at the bottom of the bra OR wires on breast tissue at the angle where my boobs start curving up, and it's all due to the shape of my crease.
No, scratch that, it's due to wires that don't follow the shape of my crease.
Am I the only one with this crease shape? Please inspect yours and let me know
Filed under Bra sizing and fit
I love this <3
I see no logic for wires to being rounded in the bottom at all. I even see more logic in the plus size bras with wires sloping outwards, at least on a fatter body. Oh and I'm the sloping type :D
Did you see MilkAndHoney suggesting wires should be flexible in the bottom but not in the top? I'd want that for the love of my life.
I'm thinking the wires are made in this certain way to force the boobs forward front, center and down? Because what other logic is there?
Look at this. This *could* be the answer.
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