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What if boobs were cubes? » All bra adventures


What if boobs were cubes?

This is very random. That idea came to me yesterday while I was at the hair dresser.
What if we think of our boobs as cubes? How would they look?

We often talk about tallness, width or depth of boobs. There term are rather abstract and not easy to visualize since boobs are not geometric figures. But let's think what if they were?

I made a sketch - looks badly since my paint don't want to make 3d cubes. My boob - cube (purple) would be wide (but not too wide), tall (but not too tall) and deep (but not too deep) means that my boobs are not extreme in one direction, means they are rather round. So my boob cube has similar height, width and depth.

My cube is not compatible with the CK cube – empty fabric on sides – overspill on top.
Cleo – still think Cleo shape fits my cube best :D
Panache – better chance to fit my cube into – tallness – width are given. Unused wideness can be fill by shallowness pushing boobs flat.
Ewa : No chance that the cube fits in. Too low and narrow.
I added Freya too - but I don't have much experience with their bras so far. Maybe they fit my cube? :D

edit: I should have made the Freya cube taller and when it comes to depth and width between Ewa and Cleo. Thanks to Vee.

Now how would your boob-cube look? :) And how would it fit into the different brand-cubes? :D

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on May 28, 2013 Flag this


  • The maths nerd in me would like to say that they're prisms and not cubes, though boob prisms doesn't sound the same.

    Based on recent adventures where we measured the dimensions of our root, I'd say that my breasts are a bit more projected than they are tall or wide, but they have roughly the same dimensions of height and width. They're quite round (full) as well in all dimensions. Unless you start counting the sneaky tails of breast tissue I have up to my collar bone. They're flat, and I don't know whether to count them as part of my boob shape or not. If I did, they'd be more like the purple polyhedron on the right as opposed to the blue prism on the left in my picture. Paint is not conducive to good orthogonal drawings.

    I don't fit well into any bras at the moment *sigh*, but I've found the projection is my primary need as my breasts are stubborn and will try and make a way where none exists. So CK and Panache shapes don't work well with the dimensions of my prism, whereas Freya, Cleo and EM have worked a bit better.

  • English is not my first language and I googled for the accuarate term of such geometric figure but google came up with cube so I thought it sounds good :D I may outed my self as a dead loss at maths...
    Anyway this thing isn't meant to be super serious but more so for fun & better understanding :)

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