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love the idea, but... » All bra adventures


love the idea, but...

doesn't seem like the "handmade" bra's would be worth the money? has anyone had one special made? don't get me wrong i know how hard it is to make a bra and how expensive organic fabric is, but $94 + $40... the quality of the end product is questionable to me... like, if this bra was only $20, i don't know if i'd try it or not still.... i wonder why they don't have more photos???

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Dec 12, 2017 Flag this


  • Imo, it's not worth it. 94 dollars for a fancy shmancy hemp bra which isn't going to be 100% comfortable custom fit (I assume since they only ask for underbust and overbust measurements) doesn't sound like all that to me. Hemp is nice fabric, as well as linen, silk and wool, but I'm uncertain how much support it will give considering it doesn't stretch and has no wires. :P
    I also wonder why there aren't more photos! Regardless the model's bra doesn't look that comfortable. I would also be trying this bra if it were only 20 dollars, but 94 dollars for a custom hemp bralette is too expensive for the quality you're getting.

  • I was off-put by the number of buzz words in the description. A good product shouldn’t have to work that hard to sell itself. I lost count of how many times they used the word ‘bespoke’. And I loved how they spent all this time praising their amazing bra, then to say it’s still in beta testing. I think I’ll pass....

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