Jan 29, 2018
been nearly a year since i had a listing response when inquiring about a bra is it just dumb luck or is the inbox not working
Filed under Bratabase
been nearly a year since i had a listing response when inquiring about a bra is it just dumb luck or is the inbox not working
Filed under Bratabase
You mean when you write someone saying you want to buy their bras? Have you been double-checking where it says how long since that person has logged in to bratabase? Some ppl listed bras and then never came back
...yeah I had that problem for a while too. Like @dbmamaz said if they haven't been on in a very long time you'll most likely never get a response, and a lot of people don't like selling to users with low reputations. Sucks, but true. Although I've wrote some non-active people that get on every month or so and still haven't responded or taken their listings down. :-(
You could always try BraSwap on Reddit, the ABraThatFits folk sell/swap their bras there. And then there's always Amazon.
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