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Measurements questions... » All bra adventures


Measurements questions...

Second question of the day...I’ve noticed that my under bust has been consistently measuring smaller than it was at the start of the year, moreso in the last few months, so I thought that maybe it was a good idea to redo my measurements today. I don’t think that it’s really affecting my overall size and such much, but I figured maybe it was a good time for an update. My first measurements were only a month apart so it’s been about 6 months. Anyway, I noticed that the trend chart indicates the difference in the perimeter measurements from the last two measurements. I’m not sure if it’s actually changes in my breasts or just my interpretations of the measurements that’s causing the slight changes. I think that my biggest uncertainty about the perimeter measurements is the actual start and end points, partly because I find it difficult to figure out where the tissue ends/begins and where in the sternum area is the start/stop point. Can anyone help me with this? Are the (mostly) minor variations that significant? Which is the more important perimeter measurement to make sure is as accurate as possible for fitting? I’m going to list my measurements below for reference (skipping the nip 2 neck and other optional ones not really relevant for this post)...

January 27, 2018

Comfortable rib cage 29.5
Loose rib cage 30.5
Tight rib cage 27.0
Horizontal perimeter 10.0
Vertical perimeter 8.5
Laying perimeter 9.5

February 24, 2018

Comfortable rib cage 28.8
Loose rib cage 30.0
Tight rib cage 27.5
Horizontal perimeter 10.0
Vertical perimeter 8.0
Laying perimeter 9.5

August 3, 2018 (today)

Comfortable rib cage 28.0
Loose rib cage 30.8
Tight rib cage 26.25
Horizontal perimeter 9.8
Vertical perimeter 9.5
Laying perimeter 9.8

Vertical perimeter is the biggest change between the 3, horizontal is only slightly different (.25” difference), and laying also only slightly different (again, about .25” difference).


Filed under Bra sizing and fit

Shared on Aug 03, 2018 Flag this


  • Honestly, tracking the measurements is more for you/your records so I wouldn't stress too much over minor variations.
    A lot of women have trouble pinpointing that ending tissue point, so just do your best.

    Sometimes it helps to do the measurements when you are "tender" as it's easier to tell by touch where the breast tissue ends.

    First thing in the AM measuring can be easier as your body typically will be less swollen from water/salt/or food intake allowing for easier deciphering.

    I also find it easier to reach around with my opposite hand to find where the tissue ends than trying to use the hand from that side.


  • Thanks. That's kinda what I was thinking about, though I am an you know, all the questions all the time. Ha ha!

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