"Specialty" bra stores really do suck at times...
I very rarely wear bras, partly out of laziness, partly because I *really* cannot be bothered navigating the racks to find my apparent bra size - it seems like discount department stores like Target and K-Mark rarely stock 10A bras, because the average sizes have increased massively.
However, I'm working on a costume formal dress that isn't black, so I need to purchase a nude strapless bra. I've been looking for the last couple of weeks in my local Target and K-Mart, but I've had no success. I've resigned myself to the fact that I do need to spend more than $20 on a bra.
I almost found the perfect bra at one store that would've only cost me $35. The 10A seemed to be too small in the band for me (lots of wrinkles where the band is attached to the cup), but the 12A is too large in the cup.
I set foot in the Bras N Things store in the Mid-City building at Pitt St Mall, Sydney. I was previously fitted at another Bras N Things a few years ago, but I didn't really pay much heed to it as the woman didn't seem to be trained too well. I had found a couple of bras that would work, one in a 10A ($40 or so) and one in a 12A (around $35). I ran into the same problem as I did before; wrinking in the 10A band and gapping in the 12A.
I don't know why I asked if they had a 12AA. I think I was deluding myself into thinking that they *may* have something - ANYTHING - that would work. The response I got? "Oh, sorry - no-one makes AA sized bras anymore."
WHAT. THE. F***? Not only was I told something completely and totally wrong (I had seen wire-free "training" bras in a 10AA at Target; a two-pack even!), but then their solution was to sell me a bra extender to go with the 10A. I caved out of embarassment and shock and purchased the 10A bra and their extender... I am still too angry to return to their store to get a refund. When I do go back, I will be telling them exactly what I think of their "customer service".
Filed under Bra sizing and fit
Have you tried online? Places like figleaves have a wide range of smaller sizes plus they have an outlet where you can get proper bargains.
I don't mean to be too nosey, as this is a very personal issue, but I read in your post that you haven't been fitted in a few years. Part of your problem could be that your measurements have changed since your last fitting. It's sometimes better to measure yourself at home. If you're interested in measuring yourself at home, a lot of ladies have success using the methods on this site: http://www.reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits/wiki/measuring
But whatever you choose to do, good luck! Finding a strapless bra is a pain! :/
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