Bloomers in the DC area
Caveat for this post: I've not actually been to these stores so I don't know what the actual service/selection is like.
For those looking for a 30 and under band in the DC area... I emailed Bloomers, which has a store in Old Town Alexandria, Georgetown, and Shirlington, since I saw that they carried Parfait by Afffinitas and asked if they had them in 30 bands and if they would be offering 28 bands. They carry them in 30 bands and said they would consider carrying them in 28 bands if they came out. I sent them the link to Parfait's announcement so fingers crossed that there might be somewhere in the area to buy 28 bands! The Full Cup used to carry them but they left Old Town a while ago.
Bloomers | underwear * sleepwear * loungewear
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