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Conical ribcage - in profile - warning, triggery! » All bra adventures


Conical ribcage - in profile - warning, triggery!

This is the difference I get with pecs muscles flexed vs standing normally straight. No bra on in any of the pics. 103 cm around the bust vs 108 cm.

I've known for ages I have the figure of a plush Bettie Page. And I have hated it to death and blessed the gods I at least was fat so that I didn't have to look like Bettie Page. And then I slouched. To hide how I looked.

I know my ribcage is very concave. But I have never really realized that it's also another way to have an hourglass figure. The ribcage is like conical but from the sides, like this; And then comes boobs and yet another set of concave bones up to the collarbones.

I always hated the fact that my waist was nothing but a hole straight into my stomach and that my boobs would be so much in other peoples face. Until I last summer decided that No More! If I could learn to love my fat body then goddamnit I'm going to learn to love my bones.

And so I did. I know how to un-brainwash my perceptions of beauty; I just look at what I think is ugly and I look and look and look and see it through the eyes of people that like it. And so my view is changed. I did it with my fat, I did it with my cellulites, I did the same with soft boobs. Look and look and look and find others and realizing that it's not bad.

It's kind of sad how we go through life hating who we are and want to be different when we're just unique. And what's makes us unique is what makes us beautiful, not the reversed.

Filed under Boob and body issues

Shared on Jun 24, 2013 Flag this


  • It's amazing what a difference the posture makes. This makes me think I need to stand up straight more too. I'm totally a sloucher, which I think is partially because I'm a bit self conscious about how projected my breasts are. Also, you have the most amazing boobs out of a bra! Mine just hang down because of the projection they have.

    You look like some kind of sexy bumblebee in the photo (I hope I haven't ruined this top for you so you can never wear it again).

    I struggled a lot with the way that I look in the past, because as much as I am hourglass shaped which apparently is 'what people aspire to', firstly, as far as I can tell, clothing tends to be cut for people with minimal curves, and secondly, I just felt so out of proportion with everyone else. Clothes shopping made me cry (and actually still does sometimes). I measure up at 43-28-42 these days, so basically a slightly smaller Curvy Wordy, though my hips are a different shape to hers (mine are very wide, and my full hip is the same as my high hip measurement, but I have quite a flat bottom). So I just felt very out of place.

    I came to the realisation though that I will probably never have a flat tummy, and short of surgical procedures, my breasts would be very large for my frame, but that's just the way I was made. I think that getting involved in the bra fit community has really helped, as I see all kinds of different women, and while I haven't really found someone who I'm the same as, I think that the diversity in humans is what makes us interesting and attractive.

    "And what's makes us unique is what makes us beautiful, not the reversed." This is totally a statement which I agree with.

  • Cheers to you! This post made my day.

    To hell with Bettie Page, Courtney Stodden, Barbie, and Twiggy too.

    (And that photo of you looks better than all of them! Seriously! Enjoy your gorgeous self!!)

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