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Underbust fluctuations » All bra adventures

Underbust fluctuations

I find my underbust measurements puzzling. At the start of May, I got 84 cm loose and 83 cm tight with my lungs emptied. That seems like such a tiny difference, especially since I am overweight. I mostly carry it elsewhere, but still. How can that be possible?

I thought maybe I wasn't pulling the tape measure tight enough, although I didn't see how that could be because I was pulling on both ends and looking at where the tape crossed. Anyhow, I tried again tonight and got 81 cm pulling as tight as I could. I got 85 cm loose. A bit more realistic, since that's about an inch, but how could I get a larger loose measurement while getting a tighter tight measurement? Different amounts of air in my lungs each time? Completely messing up my measurements one of two times, or both?

I asked someone else to pull the ends of the tape measure to see if I really was getting it as tight as possible. We shaved off about 2 cm to get 79.

Now I have no idea what measurements are accurate, only that I can't seem to get the same measurements from month to month. It's all academic anyway, as I am not planning on changing my band size, but it really makes me want to be measured by an impartial expert now.

Filed under Boob and body issues

Shared on Jun 26, 2013 Flag this


  • I struggle with the same thing for my band and bust. It could be the air, your posture, gained/lost weight and whether the measuring tool you are using is too stretched as well.

  • Oh yes, me too, completely unreliable :D For as tight as humanly possible USB cable works for me :D Tape measure doesn't cut it :D

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