Comexim Return-Service
About 10 days ago I sent my Victoria 2HC back to Comexim. This Sunday I got their email. It said that I should send a scanned pdf of the receipt for my payments. But I haven't got any receipts that were printed on the paper since I received my order. So I sent an email of my order history to them.
Yesterday morning I sent an other email to confirm if I can get my money back or not. But until today's evening I haven't got any reply yet.
Are there anyone with similar experiences, what should I do then?
Filed under Bras ups and downs
When Comexim mails bras they mail along a small receipt along with the purchase. It's not very big (like 5 inches by 3 inches). Can you check the box it came in or the plastic wrapping to see if you still have it? Do you have an account on Comexim's website that tracks your purchases? If so, can they use that as verification of your purchase?
Thank you. I think it's still missing.
And in their terms and conditions, they just say in case of exchange or complaint is a receipt necessary.
Maybe I should wait for a few days to get an email of the answer, hope they will reply.
Edit on May.13: Thanks again. I just received the E-mail for the successful return.