EM S bras
Not really an adventure, but I am so frustrated about bras right now. Before my boobspurt, my 65JJ S bra was the most perfect bra I have ever owned, and now I have no idea what size I would need. Apparently the cups have huge jumps between them, so now at a 30KKish I have no idea if I'd need a 65K, 65KK, 65L or what, and I don't have any way of trying them without ordering a bunch of sizes. Add to that the whole strapgate affair and the way Ewa responded to some of the feedback, and I'm not even sure if I want to buy from EM anymore. But I've tried loads of bras and nothing has worked, and I feel like I'm running out of viable options. I don't really want to buy multiple sizes from EM or give them free publicity by blogging about them, but I don't know what else I can do really. I might just cry and live in quadbooby bras forever uggggh
Filed under Bras ups and downs
I wrote a comment, and then Bratabase ate it. :(
I'd say, comparing our sizes, you're a bit bigger than me in bra photos of our recent bras, though I've just gone through a growth spurt, so I'm probably catching up to being on par with you in boob volume. I got the 65L - Ewa Michalak » Sm Beżyk and 65L - Ewa Michalak » S Iwette , which were both massive. I think that the biggest size is just very big.
Vee thinks that they were about 2 sizes too big for me at the time of photos, and I think that seems like a reasonable assessment.
Based on that, and the fact that we've recently tried similar bras- the Meg and the Ariza, I'd be inclined to say that you can give 65L a miss, and 65K would be leaning towards small, and 65KK may be a tad big.
EM bras are definitely designed to look better too small than too big, but it's a preference thing too. I hate bras which cut in. I figure if the bra starts out too small, it's only going to get smaller.
Anyway, feel free to make your own conclusions, but that's what I've reasoned out. If I was to order from EM, I'd probably go for the 60KK or 60L for myself, so I'd think you'd want similar, but in the 65 band.
Edit: I also totally understand about the not wanting to buy from EM but not having any other half-decent options thing. I'm feeling right now like seeing if I can put up with quadboob for a bit and maybe saving money by only buying bras every other cup size. I'll see how well that resolution lasts.