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incoming bras » All bra adventures


incoming bras

So after saying I was gonna take a break from ordering for a bit, the universe had other plans.

Bravissimo released new bras, Ewa Michalak SF Faworyta came back in stock in 80JJ, and I found some bralettes.

Naturally, I've ordered all of them. I will keep both bralettes unless one is really too small of course, so I won't count those, but between the EM bra and the 2 Bravissimo bras I ordered, I .. I want them all but I kinda also hope only one work, so that I don't go broke haha.

If the EM bra doesn't work in 80JJ I don't think they ever will in SF cut for me, so that's sad but we'll see.

The Bravissimo Gemma and Jenna are kinda wild of course, I guess I order them for science too, I kinda feel like they won't work for me now in hindsight.

BUT at least I'll most likely get 2 bralettes that will keep me up when I'm at home, and a dress! Fingers crossed they fit, and kinda fingers crossed that only one of the other bras fit too..

What do y'all have incoming, if any? What are you planning on purchasing when you can? <3 I love chatting here about anything lol

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Nov 08, 2020 Flag this


  • I'm planning on buying a set during comexim's black Friday sale! I haven't decided what to buy yet, but I'm super excited about it!

  • Oo I hope you score some good deals!

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