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How to best use bra measurements tables to make purchases? » All bra adventures


How to best use bra measurements tables to make purchases?

I love that bratabase can show a table with the bra measurements of whichever bras we want to compare! But I'm unsure of how to use all those numbers to make purchase decisions.

When comparing the same bra in different sizes, it seems each one will look the best for one or two measurements (meaning, one looks best for cup depth, another looks best for cup width and height, another looks best for cup depth and gore height, etc), and there doesn't seem to be a clear winner (or even a few) that look like the ones to buy and try.

Does that mean it just might be the wrong bra altogether?

Is there a rule of thumb for how many measurements a bra size should look like a match for to decide if it's worth trying?

Or, any guidance on how to choose which to buy when they're all over the map in terms of which/how many measurements they look like a good fit for? This could be whether it's the same bra in different sizes or different brands/models altogether.

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on May 25, 2021 Flag this

  • I understand what you mean.
    Sadly, probably this will mainly be a process of 'trial and error' to find out for yourself... as this is different for individual people, depending on their personal comfort / preference and chest dimensions!

    For example: if you have short roots, cup height will be a very important factor. If you are high set / have a sensitive underarm area, wire length will be impactful for you. If you're close set, gore height and width will be super relevant to filter out. Et cetera.

    If it helps, I'll try to explain what my personal 'top four' measurements are, to decide whether a bra will work for me:

    1 - Cup depth (for most people cup depth closely matches their perimeter. E.g. I found out that a cup depth between 27-31 cm is best for me, with the smaller end being a bit snug)

    2 - Gore height + width (also related to wire length, a longer wire usually corresponds with a higher gore. I found out I can't do gores higher than 8 cm, ideally more towards 5 cm, and that they should always be as narrow as possible)

    3 - Wire length (I figured out what my maximum wire length + wing height was, so I don't get poked under the arms)

    4 - Band length (stretched + unstretched - I know a band that stretches to less than my comfortable ribcage measurement, usually feels too tight on me. 65+cm unstretched to 80+cm stretched, is what I usually go for.)

    Going by these 4 ballpark measurements, in this order of importance, is usually how I decide whether to skip a bra or if it might be wearable for me!

    Your mileage may vary though, based on your personal comfort and what 'type' bust you have (firmness, placement, closeness, FOT/FOB etc.)

  • Thank you, that makes sense to prioritize which measurements seem to make the most difference and focus on those in an order of priority. Hopefully after trying on lots of styles I'll have a better idea of what ranges to aim for in each measurement.

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