Jun 01, 2021
I've been wondering a lot about back pain. I don't have any that I'm aware of as a 32J, but others do. I wonder if my shallow shape which makes me self-supporting is the reason for my lack of pain, or do I have a strong back? I am used to lifting heavy weights on shoulders when I used to do weight lifting.
Filed under Bras ups and downs
well, I was reading on a physiotherapist forum (I wish I had the link, but I don't) and they were discussing how women are KNOWN to have worst posture than men, because of their boobs.
It's better for one's posture to stand up straight. However, as women, I certainly was conditioned to somehow "hunch" to be more modest. Granted when I was growing up, I had a smaller chest, but I wasn't properly bra sized until a couple months ago, so I think that my size was at least a 30E. (but that's a whole other story).
I've never had boob-related back or neck pain in my life, and my boobs fully sit on my ribs when not supported. I think for one thing, people envision smaller boobs as causing pain than actually largely /do/ cause pain and two, I think a lot of boob-related pain is exacerbated by people wearing incorrect bra sizes. Beyond that, I think there are a lot of factors related to how your boobs and body are structured that go into it like you said.
I will now do my semi-regular 'go to the fuckin chiropractor [as a first resort and actually do what they tell you to and of course if you have access to it] babes' spiel.
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