Judy from Levana Bratique wins award Philanthropic Excellence! At CurveNY2021
I'm so pleased b/c I recommend their store all the time!! for people to find their Polish bra bliss! https://www.instagram.com/p/CSDT2-SsIU1/
Nice that she got recognized. Also, I was following her account and she posted new items from some lines (Anita, Mey, et. all, and asked for feedback. https://www.instagram.com/p/CSCzt1qLgh4/
I wanted to give my opinion - what she should buy - but then I thought maybe I don't have common taste.
Oh well, it's fun to travel along to Curve2021, on IG.
edit: also, it's good to add them on IG, for any sales.
Filed under Bras ups and downs
A well deserved award for Judy! I voted on so many of the options while the polls were live and now I want so many of the PJs and bikinis. I originally followed all the social media and signed up for emails to learn about sales but I will say they are excellent with interactions and listening to followers/asking for feedback. Everything I commented on during Curve2021 was liked and they replied to a lot of comments and questions while attending the event. Very well done.
WildWolff , nice!!