Aug 02, 2013
Hey I want to help out by measuring what I have on hand and what other bras I can, but these are not bras that I wear or expect to wear. Given that
1) What is the best way to take pictures (everything seems to be on)
2) What do I do with fit recommendations?
Also if I get a chance to measure other ladies bras (which is likely) how do I show that this bra isn't mine or one I have regular access too?
Filed under Bratabase
1) if the bra is far from fitting you, I would just take pictures of the front, back and details of the bra
You can mark the bra as "not owned". I bought a few bras for my niece that are far from my size that I have added here. I think it's great that you want to measure bras that aren't yours :) The more bras that get added, the better the site becomes.
I've measured bras that my mom and sister own. Once I'm done uploading the info I just mark it as not owned.
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