What do you think of retro-shaped bras, like Triump Doreen? (wireless bra)
So, I guess this bra has been around for forever (well, 40 years). What do you think of its shape? Pretty retro?
Honestly, it looks like something my grandma would wear, but if it were comfy, I guess all bets are off?
I generally prefer underwired bras though. I'm just posting b/c it's available in a wide range of sizes, and I tried to make a post of the wide variety of sizes on another forum.
edit: out of curiosity, has anyone ever tried it?
The world-renowned Triumph Doreen bra has been the best non wired bra for over 4
Filed under Bras ups and downs
Hmm, Nvmd. I think I saw how crazy pointed in was in this blog post. https://www.curvywordy.com/2012/01/my-quest-for-sleep-bra-triumph-doreen.html Though she did say it was comfy, lol.
I personally don’t like pointy bras. It always makes me feel like I’m ready to launch torpedoes lol. I much prefer a rounded shape. One of the main reasons I can’t wear Freya soft cup bras. While I can get a decent fit, the shape is off putting to me.
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