Aug 05, 2013
So... uh, am I the only one that's a bit confused about what my own breast shape is? I mean.. do any of you other ladies feel like you can't figure out your own? I was thinking about it today, and I'm just totally confused about it.
I mean... I find myself sitting here saying, hmm... are my boobs round? I mean, they're not perfect circles, but... are they round? Do I have shallow boobs, whatever that means? Are my boobs wide set or close together? etc...
It shouldn't be this complicated, right?
Filed under Boob and body issues
I'm confused as well :( I think they're wide with wide roots, but according to measurements, they're narrow. Though I still think I have wide roots. At this point I really don't know.
Everything is relative. I have narrow/med roots, but since I am short and somewhat compact (well, fluffier than I used to be but you know...) they appear very wide. But wide-set straps, for instance, don't fall off my shoulders because they never get close to being ON my shoulders!
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