Has anyone had problems recently with their Brastop orders?
I wait since 3 weeks for mine to arrive. Usually parcels from the UK arrive within 1 week or 10 days.
I'm worried it got lost... I heard there is many delays with international post and also one domestic order did not arrive yet that should have 2 weeks ago.
Filed under Bras ups and downs
I'd noticed that Brastop was more consistent about appearing around 7-9 days over 2021, and has been closer to 2 weeks through 2022 so far. In my last 3 orders that arrived, it's been faster than other sellers from the UK who are posting sales within a day of purchase. I couldn't figure out how they were able to do this. However things are now slower in the last month & a half. I've 2 outstanding parcels for polish brands from them, that haven't arrived since end of April and early May; but have received Polish and UK boutique purchases made after both Brastop orders, which arrived in this last week. I didn't buy during their '$3 shipping' sale. Just paid the regular amount I always do for international.
While my current undelivered orders are supposedly being sent via DHL, I'd advise checking Royal Mail's current international shipping policy for the timeframe around when you bought your order/s. That's helped me with predicting the timing and tracking down shipments in the last few months.