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Aug 06, 2013 - 1" asymmetrical! » All bra adventures

Aug 06, 2013 - 1" asymmetrical!

So, I have been having a nightmare of a time trying to get lingerie that fits, so as an experiment, I measured from the middle of my back to my breastbone, around the fullest part of each breast - Left side: 18" Right side: 17". A full inch difference (which is unsurprising, due to some other medical issues, when I was younger)! So, what do I do now?

Option A) Get a custom Ewa with 2 different cup sizes. Would that look weird under clothes??
Option B) Get a cutlet and only wear it on the right side (which would feel like "false advertising" to me). Would this also look weird under say, low cut or tight clothing? Or would it look better?
Option C) Surgery, which I can't afford.

And what about taking clothing out of the equation? I mean, Ewa doesn't make peignoirs and the like.

Does anyone else have this problem? What have you tried? And if any of you have experience with cutlets, do you recommend any brands or styles for this situation?

Filed under Boob and body issues

Shared on Aug 06, 2013 Flag this


  • I have about half a cup size asymmetry -- although for some reason it seems to be getting less lately -- and I mostly made do with removable padding, like the stuff that comes with Ewa's PL and CH styles (those pads can also be ordered separately, by the way) and more recently with my Braologie Casual. I have tried silicone cutlets and gel inserts as well, but I found them horribly uncomfortable as they made me sweat and the cheaper ones often have sharp-ish edges that cut into the skin ...

  • Same here: I recently started doing the same trick another posted just mentioned here. I fit for the larger boob, then shift the band ever so slightly toward the smaller one and it all fits. I don't seem to look asymmetrical when wearing a bra (or maybe I do and I don't let it bother me due to ignorance being bliss, etc) but it's very obvious when I am NOT wearing a bra.

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