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Nov 08, 2012 » All bra adventures


Nov 08, 2012

I finally had a chance to try actual bust-tailored clothing, and so far I'm pretty impressed. I didn't think that I "qualified" for busty clothes because I prefer ease around my belly, but I think buying clothes made for my bust might address most of my clothing fit issues. Fitting clothes for my bust makes the petite mismatch less of an issue. As a result, I don't feel as if I'm playing dress-up.

Because I blathered a lot for my review, I'll just leave it over on Tumblr. My questions for you all are: have you ever tried clothing designed for your bust, whether that's making it yourself or buying from specialty companies? Do you think it's worth the effort? Do you get things tailored for your bust (or tailor them yourself)?

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Shared on Nov 08, 2012 Flag this


  • Absolutely!! I make clothes for a living, including my own, and adjusting then altering to fit my shape (or whomever it's for) is a must. The clothes sometimes take on a different shape, but IMO look better than what's on paper. If ever I buy something from the store, the drape is awful and the garment looks so ordinary. Not that there's anything wrong with simple, but on an hourglass it appears more on the lines of dumpy.

  • I couldn't agree more, although with all the alterations I have to make to make something fit I never considered my bust a particular problem area. In RTW sizing I would be something like a 12 shoulders, 10/12 bust, 8 waist and 14/16 hips. On top of that I am petite with a short upper torso (overly straight upper back and high-set breasts) and an almost caricature hip spring -- I don't exaggerate when I say that virtually NOTHING off the rack ever fits me the way I want. Luckily I am a proficient (hobby) seamstress and I truly love sewing (although I hate doing alterations on RTW, which I try to avoid at any cost). I would definitely sew my entire wardrobe myself if only I had time -- having a full-time job and a one-year-old 'helper' around isn't terribly conducive in this respect though.

    ETA: as to what to wear with a blazer -- I wear jackets almost all the time, simply because they flatter me and make me feel confident (ha). I usually pair them up with a nice and crisp pair of jeans -- personally I'm not a fan of the 'worn out' or 'destroyed' look; for some reason, on me 'shabby chic' always looks just 'shabby' -- or some plain black pants. Add a simple top, a scarf (optional), and some heels and I'm good to go pretty much regardless of the occasion.

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