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Oct 25, 2022 » All bra adventures


Oct 25, 2022

Needing help on cups! I think one side is like double the other and causing lots of issues. Also I need short wires (or is it narrow?) and I’m very very close together when supported. I’ve tried about 50-60 bras in the last two years so I’m beyond frustrated. It’s got to be cup shape.

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Oct 25, 2022 Flag this


  • Have you measured yourself recently? That would be a good starting point. Then narrowing down shape, width, projection, etc. I usually measure every few months on my profile here and using the brathatfits calculator:

  • Yes I did and the measurements are definitely not correct. I’m at a 34H or HH and it’s measuring me as 36 FF/G. That band is definitely too big. I need narrow wires, projection and stretch lace or molded cup for a significantly asymmetrical. I currently have a G cup but the wires are much too wide however that was the best I could find 4 years ago and I’ve been on the hunt ever since. I always fall out of plunges, so unless they’re stretch lace and come up to enclose the tissue I don’t even bother. Very soft breast tissue and full on bottom. I found the bras that are narrow wires from aBraThatFits so I’m looking there but it seems narrow in my size is hard to find.

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