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Sep 14, 2023 » All bra adventures


Sep 14, 2023

Are all projected breasts "saggy"?

When you look up saggy boobs the results show breasts that point downwards, but isn't that how a lot of projected breasts are? I'm 25 and I don't know why my breasts have always looked saggy, as in they point downwards. Even though there's more tissue above the apex than below. But I'm functionally full on bottom because I have soft tissue. I'm assuming it's because I gained weight in a small amount of time, but I wonder what non-saggy projected breasts are supposed to look like

Filed under Boob and body issues

Shared on Sep 14, 2023 Flag this


  • All breasts are affected by gravity. Some people have more dense tissue and others more soft tissue. You sound like your breast type is full on top because you have more tissue above the apex than bellow. But I guess you say you are functionally full on bottom because you have short roots? Also shallow breast types are usually more “self supporting” because there is less projection. Usually pendulous (the term you used was “saggy”) breasts are in reference to people who have lost a lot of breast density usually due to menopause. Remember, all breast types are beautiful.

  • I haven't gone around surveying people, nor do I really have any concrete information to back this up, but I imagine it's a mixture of projection, tissue density, root height, and size. Projection, root height, and size because of the amount of breast that'll be affected/more strongly affected by gravity, like Loxus said, and tissue density because of how 'easy' it'll be for gravity to pull the tissue down (for instance, if I hold my arm out, my upper arm hangs down further than my forearm because there's more fat in my upper arm). As to what non-saggy projected breasts look like, hold your breasts up to your chest. Notice there'll be a dip in at the sides where they meet your chest rather than a slope. Someone with firmer tissue or implants might look somewhat similar. I think that's the most help I can provide there without digging through a bunch of pictures of boobs, lol.

    Also, saggy boob squad 💪🔥

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