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Short roots and medium projection » All bra adventures

Short roots and medium projection

1. Is there any way to know if a bra will be good for short roots without wearing it?

2. any bra you would suggest for short roots and medium projection?

If I wear a shallow cup the wire digs into my underarm, but if I wear a projected bra like Panache Jasmine or Freya Offbeat they gap at the top because they're quite projected and my roots are short.

I'm also FoB, if that helps.

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Apr 15, 2024 Flag this


  • I used to wear 28FF-30FF and had short roots with medium projection (not a lot of upper fullness). Check out the previous bras I owned in my history. I have sold most of them now because I gained weight and my boobs changed a lot, but my older bras will be a good reference for short roots.

  • Wilderness1 thanks, I went through your owned bras to get an idea. I wanted to ask, did you know which ones would suit you before buying them and if so, how could you tell?

    Since not all balconettes are okay for FoB people.

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