Jul 27, 2024
Dear " JJ "
I am not posting fit checks on adventures. In fact, my last adventure was about purchasing bras. You're literally removing every one of my adventures saying they're against the rules when they're not even fit checks. ✌️
Now THIS , THIS IS against the rules. Not me posting about buying new bras. Buying new bras is an adventure, unless you were taught a different dictionary than I was?
If this gets me blocked, so be it. I'm tired of being targeted on here for doing absolutely nothing wrong so here is something wrong. Unless... since I'm posting this while on my abtf journey, this is technically an adventure since you targeting me is part of my journey so it technically can be considered an adventure. You've made it an adventure by targeting me day after day.
Sincerely - someone who has 2 years left of law school. Aka - someone who knows what can be considered an adventure both legally and morally.
Filed under Bras ups and downs
Hmmm.. spirit of the site is getting sullied. Hopefully this issue gets sorted out behind the scenes and not in such a public arena. Anger and lashing out kills a site!
Please all, post some lovely thoughts and pictures about bras and what we love about the hunt for a well-fitting bra that makes the girls look and feel great!
Yeah? I did. New bras I ordered ON THIS "ADVENTURE"
Admins ruin this site just as they do on reddit.
I did absolutely nothing that people don't do daily.
Why do I need a fit check to check the fit of bras I literally just ordered? Hmm. Doesn't make sense.
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