Soft tissue? Melting into the bottom of the cup? IMF riding down? Wires digging in? Band digging in? I have your solution!!!!
So after 2+ years of trying to figure what the heck was going on. Working with people on r/abrathatfits, talking with people here, and even hiring a professional. I finally figured out what my issue was! I'm surprised no one ever suggested this as a possible issue.
Issues: My breasts would fall into the bottom of my cups, the wires would dig into my ribs (apparently because my breasts were pushing the cups out, like a hinge), which caused my IMF to slide down and my band to dig into my back.
The issue was my tissue was too soft to use a padded or lined up! The cup being a pre defined shape was my issue! I finally tried on a completely unlined unpadded bra and none of my issues happened! I was using light padding because I headlight 24/7 otherwise, and I didn't really want to use nipple covers. Welp, I have to compromise unless I want to be in pain or uncomfortable. So yeah!
I wish you all luck!
Filed under Bras ups and downs
Tissue too soft, too dense/fibrous, too pendulous, too bottom heavy, too top heavy - lined cups and esp. foam/padded cups don't work for many. It's very common - that's why most bras in extended sizes are unlined.
Surprisingly enough it wasn't until after breastfeeding and my boobs changed (softer, saggier/less dense/fibrous) that a molded cup actually fits me ok (unlined still fits better imo, and I prefer that look, but it was just interesting to be able to wear one without pain).
ritzyrunnergurl yes! I really wish someone had told me this SOONER! I don't know why this information that should be basic is completely ignored.