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Aug 16, 2013 » All bra adventures

Aug 16, 2013

I am somewhat confused about my measurements. My standing then leaning bust measurement seems drastically different to me. There is a 6 inch difference?? I have remeasured about a dozen times, and spread it out over a few days, but still end up with the same. Is this normal? It makes it rather difficult to find a starting point. I read to take an average of the two and that is what I have done and ordered a bra in that average cup size, and i am hoping for the best when it arrives. I was just curious if this is a typical size difference?

Filed under Boob and body issues

Shared on Aug 16, 2013 Flag this


  • yes that is completely normal. If you think about it when you are standing your breast are not full and standing at attention, when you lean over they are at a full 90degree angle with the ground.

  • 6 is a very common difference, yes. On /r/abrathatfits, I would say the most common sizes people end up are Fish, so Es and FFs aren't really strange at all. Depending on what your bust is, an average may be an underestimate (for instance, I'm a 28E, but my standing and laying measurements would put me at a 28D or so, two sizes too small).

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