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Sep 04, 2013 » All bra adventures


Sep 04, 2013

Bratabase people are the best people ever. Just sayin'.

I've been wearing my old bras (that I swore fit me) to bed these days. Now that I've learned more about bras and stuff I'm starting to see why I thought they fit. The gores tack on all of them. I knew from way back that that was at least one aspect of how bras should fit, so I thought I was good.

But my breasts, it turns out, are pretty far apart (I can fit four fingers between them quite easily) and I think just about any gore would tack unless I put on a band maybe 10 inches too big. Plus even in my bras that pretty much fit, I tend to wear the band too low, which I guess comes from all the years of wearing a too-big band?

How is that I knew the "gore" part about bras fitting properly and not the rest? How how how?

I took another step in body acceptance by purchasing a dress. I thought if I liked it I'd get it in a few colors and make it my "uniform" for the winter. Dress, nice and easy, plus that's my true style.

Except...not so much. The dress is stretchy jersey and it looks all wrong. It's too big even though it's a size medium and that REALISTICALLY is the size that should work for me. I was going to settle but then I remembered...NO, I'm not SETTLING any more. Gosh darn it. Clothes that are big and baggy do not make me look smaller. They don't hide me. They only serve to make me feel worse about myself.

Hear that, closet?? I'm coming for you!!

Filed under Boob and body issues

Shared on Sep 04, 2013 Flag this


  • Tacking gores have little do with bands being tight enough. It has to do with the amount of projection near the gore, so a gore may not tack for two reasons: the cup is too shallow or the cup is too small. Just thought I'd let you know so that you don't keep going down band sizes and end up being squeezed in all ways from a too small cup and a too small band.

    It's good to hear that you won't take crap from clothes though.

  • On me even on a too big bra a gore can float. Or if the cup shape is just wrong or the gore is too wide. I have quite close set boobs and for example a rather wide Elomi Caitlyn gore cannot lie flat - even if the bra is too big in the cups for me.
    So tighter bands are mostly not the answer to floating gores.

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