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Let's convince UK stores to stock Claudette in 28 bands! » All bra adventures


Let's convince UK stores to stock Claudette in 28 bands!

After my fit success with the Claudette Dessous Mesh Underwire Bra (CD2000)](model:4575) , I set on a journey to find more Claudette - in 28 bands most of all! But alas, there are no UK retailers selling 28"bands, with 30"s also being rare.

So, I decided to start a campaign: Operation Claudette 28. Let's bug all sorts of retailers, to let them know there is a demand for these sizes. If you too are from Europe and are interested in buying Claudette in 28 bands, see my blog post for more info on which retailers to bug!

Thank you so very much for your participation :)

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Sep 07, 2013 Flag this

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