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Sep 08, 2013 Wireless bras » All bra adventures

Sep 08, 2013 Wireless bras


How is this bra supposed to fit?
Should the gore be floating?
Should the pretend-wire go where normal wire does?
I'm so confused!

Filed under Bra sizing and fit

Shared on Sep 08, 2013 Flag this

  • On a wired bra the gore tacks because of the wires: slight tilt and torque pull the centre gore part of the wires towards the sternum and the sturdy form of the wire keeps the fabric at the gore taut and prevents it from buckling. A wireless bra does not have such feature so the gore will never properly tack or lie flat in the way a wired bra gore tacks.

  • Hmm. thanks, MilkAndHoney.

    It's one of those Panache Alisha Support (6096) bras, the non-nursing kind. The straps and band actually feel great, but I'm so confused at what it does to my boobs. I look down and see a huge space made by my boobs, sternum, and the bra. It's huge even though my boobs are being squashed together slightly. I can store stuff in it. LOL.

    Hmm. Maybe I should just use it like that. Ha!

    I suspect I need a bigger cup size , but I don't understand how I'm supposed to know if I do or not, without wearing the bra for a day? I guess I'll just have to take the tags off and do that.


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