So I'd been wearing a 32C for months now. Finally found a 30D and while its a little small its honestly a better fit then I expected. But I put on the 32C the other day and OMG my cup is running over!!!! I measured and I've grown an inch! I know its not tissue migration because I have no tissue past my breast its just skin and bone. So I've grown! And its not the monthly inflation because while mine "swell" they don't change in size.
So now I'm wondering if caging my breasts in 34A-B bras for 15 years actually stopped my breast growth.
Filed under Bras ups and downs
Wearing the wrong bra size doesn't stop breast growth. Not all women grow constantly and some only grow in small bursts far between each other.
No; you probably haven't grown. Unless you're carrying a secret or gaining weight.
Most likely your breast tissue has been compressed because it was pushed into a wrong shape and size. Now your boons finally get to relax and be themselves.
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