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Tissue Migration under the breasts » All bra adventures

Tissue Migration under the breasts

So tissue migration is a thing! I didn't think I would have any, since my old, badly fitted bras at least weren't cutting into breast tissue on the sides.

But I am definitely getting some migration from the bottom. I think my tight underbust measurement is tighter, and the bottom line of my breasts is more defined. The downside though is less padding on my ribs where the underwires hit. It can be really irritating. Can anything be done about that?

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Sep 29, 2013 Flag this


  • for me, the underwire placement really helps - i don't have much padding on my ribs, and i have lost weight. Now, if i wear Comexim it's okay, any other brand digs into my bones!

  • Going up a band size. Weirdly enough, when my measurement dropped, I had to go up in band size because the band was just too tight for the less amount of fat I had. It might also have to do with shape. Narrower wires won't sit as low as too wide wires (unless they're too narrow), so that might help with the pain issue, and might even provide more support if you have a narrower root than your current bras cater for.

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