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Determining breast shape » All bra adventures


Determining breast shape

Hey guys, I've had this running for a while, but never really made it public or pushed it.

The idea is to replace the current breast shapes diagrams with a gallery of actual pictures and then tie that to the bra recommendations (since they can be pretty bad sometimes)

This should address the issue about knowing which "term" your breasts are, "wide root?", "narrow?", etc.

Please let me know what do you think, and please please please spread the word!

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Shared on Nov 21, 2012 Flag this


  • Yes! :D I especially like the "You'll have it easier than anyone else to pick your breast shape" argument :D

  • Oh dear... I went through the galery, it really made me sad. There are a lot of women there hating their boobs and even more in sooo wrong bra sizes...
    I must say I was suprised - if judging from this gallery, most women have far set boobs? Wow, this was educational.
    Anyway, haven't found anyone who looks like me, so I better be puting mine up there :)

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